An Indie publishing house formed by a team of 4 members and some other collaborators.



Musician, writer and actor. He studied Music Teaching at the USC and has worked as a leisure and free time monitor. He has composed short musical pieces, written short stories and acted in amateur and professional theater for 16 years.

He has been role-playing since his teenage years, during which time he designed several role-playing systems based on Warhammer Fantasy and Vampire: The Masquerade. Now he has decided to design role-playing systems that help in emotional education.


Philologist and translator. She studied English Studies at the US and continued her studies at the UGR with a Master’s Degree in Professional Translation. She has been teaching English as a foreign language to a variety of students for years and has some experience translating from English into Spanish.

She has always been interested and dedicated to languages. María has done narrative role-playing for a couple of years, a hobby that brought together all her professional and personal interests. Now she has decided to contribute her linguistic and educational knowledge to develop this wonderful role-playing game that is Kat-Patum.


Senior technician in web development and videogame developer. He studied web application development and has worked on small projects of his own. He has learned and continues learning game development. He has participated in 4 Game Jams and collaborated in web projects on GitHub.

He loves developing games and applications, now he has decided to use his knowledge to create, maintain and update MdB’s computer systems and role-playing platforms.